Friday, December 21, 2012

Brookbank Perth to Re Open under new Ownership

We were all very sad at Brookbank Perth about the closure of the Brookbank Stores, for our customers, suppliers and all Brookbank Staff. Thankyou for all the kind words via forums and other social media. It means alot to all those who were involved in Brookbank. Brookbank Perth has been running for over 6 years and was a strong shop north of the Border. The second biggest in the Brookbank Chain after Stockport.

I am very happy to announce that Brookbank Perth has been bought over and a new company formed.

Go Kayaking Scotland Ltd will be in the same location as Brookbank Perth was and we will open for business as early as this weekend., The Cycle and Outdoor company we already had in store will remain and we will continue to work together with them. The Brookbank Perth staff will also remain and we will be re branding and re stocking the store in early 2013. So look out for invites to a launch party! Some boat stock has already arrived and we are taking orders.

We will be a retail outlet for Canoes and Kayaks and we can offer you the best advice before you buy. Scotland has some of the most beautiful inland and coastal waters in the world, some of which can only be explored from the water. We will be here to help you start canoeing and kayaking, with all the equipment you will need, where you can go kayaking and the clubs, coaches, centres and guides who can help you enjoy your time on the water. We are also here for the seasoned professional to get the latest bit of gear to make their time on the water better!

We hope to see you in store or on the water soon! Email Phone number is still to get sorted. Like us on Facebook too.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Go Kayaking Scotland Team!

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