Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekly River Boating.

Well the clocks have gone forward so that should mean it is summertime. Well the weather is not telling us that just yet. Snow is forecast for tomorrow.

The plan we have this summer is to get out and paddle regularly on a Wednesday night after work. A sort of Brookbank Perth Club. It is free of charge for now and anyone is welcome but this is not a lesson, so you must be able to look after yourself on the river. That said there will be plenty of people around to help you out with some skills but on a really informal way. It is all about going paddling with our customers.

Weather permitting we are going to have a go next Wednesday 9th April. You can meet us at the shop just before we shut around 6pm and we will be heading up to Stanley. This is a class 3 run and is not difficult. A great beginner run.

The put in point is here and we will run the trip down to the Car Park marked on the OS map.

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