Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Holy Whitewater!



The only man to ever solo kayak down all three main rivers that flow from Mount Everest is coming to Perth on Saturday 16th June 2012 at 7:30pm.
Please clear your diary if you can, and head for St. Matthew's Church on Tay Street. Directions:


Daz will be making a presentation about his expedition so, obviously, kayakers will be interested. Yet, his presentation will also assist the audience to engage with the sense of adventure, contemplate handling fear, living life in all fullness and building self-esteem generally. Please, therefore, pass this email and information onto anyone you think may be interested.

There is no entry fee but donations will be accepted on the night!


Rev Scott Burton is delighted to be partnering with Darren on this, not least because of Daz's Buddhist faith. They both seek to show a good working relationship between two different religious traditions and make acknowledgement of the fact that there is no need for threat or conflict between people of different religions.


For further information about the evening, please do not hesitate to contact Rev Scott Burton on 07776212726 / minister@stmatts.org.uk


For further information about Darren, please enjoy the links below.









Both Scott's "Holly Whitewater" Book and Daz's "Running the Tears of Everest" books are available to buy from us at Brookbank Perth

Bill Mattos - professional extreme sports person and writer on all things outdoors - CEO of one of the world's leading kayaking brands for over twenty years writes:


"I first met Darren through his kayaking in the 1990's and have subsequently worked with him on a number of projects. Even as a young man, he had an unusually clear view of the world and stood out from his peers with his calm, unintrusive and self-contained approach. This, combined with his exceptional ability as a paddler, has led him, quietly and without fuss, to deliver life-changing experiences to his many clients, and finally to a rare pinnacle of personal achievement in solo extreme kayaking.


To hear Darren speak about his adventures is to marvel at the unassuming nature of the man who, while deliberately humbled by nature, is never tamed by it. He delivers a delightful antidote to the all too common life-coaching style of "wanting it" and "owning it" and shows that teamwork and self-belief can be built upon much more sustainable foundations. I recommend his inspirational presentation style to people of all walks of life. You cannot fail to be empowered by it."



I hope you will manage to get along to St. Matthew's, Tay Street, Perth on Saturday 16th June. It really does promise to be an inspiring evening.

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