Friday, May 9, 2008

Busy week this week. We have the Warwick Demo Day this weekend and we have had to have an additional delivery this week with the amount of orders we are waiting for.

This week summer has definitely arrived. We have had a week of shorts and flip flops. We have had a great week sales wise as well with people wanting to get out on the water now the sun has eventually shown itself.

Summer time so flips flops out.

Ciaran is happy today as his new boat Dagger G Force arrived. It arrived yesterday while he was off so last night Fozz and I decided to tie it up for him to come in in the morning.. haha. Funnily enough it didn't take him long to get it down and get in it. The guys at Dagger have done him a limited edition Kiwi G Force 6.3. This boat is not normally made in this colour and in fact the powder they used was the last stock they had so there won't be another. Look out for him on the water soon.

We have had some new demo boat stickers in recently. As we are going to head off on a road trip this weekend (around 750 miles) I figured we could do some useful advertising and so I have logo'd up my 206. I think it is nice a subtle.

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