Friday, January 5, 2007

Frozen Water

We got some help in over Christmas and New year so we could get away skiing and boarding.
We had a chance to stay at our bosses pad over in the Pyrennees. There was not much snow around but we made the most of what we had. Thanks to Paul for looking after the shop and a huge thanks to Mark and Lorna for inviting us out to their house. Happy New Year.

Ciaran `Chopper` Bryce chilling at one of the many cafe stops we had. (nice one piece in the background)

Simon (Paddlesport Manager) and me at 2100m

Simon and Lorna (bosses wife) on another sunny day.

My wonderful wife Jax with Adam from Stockport Brookbank going up the poma in the background.

The team at yet another cafe stop!!!!

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